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leaking roof

Whether you discovered water inside your attic or found a watermark on your bedroom ceiling, a roof leak can be a scary business. But don’t panic; many leaks have simple causes that a qualified roofer can sniff out and repair relatively quickly. Learn four things your leaky roof may be trying to tell you.

1. You have flashing problems.

Flashing problems are the bane of many homeowners. Whether it’s because your roof is older and some of the flashing is coming undone or because your last roofing project wasn’t done by the most experienced candidate for the job, these leaks can be very frustrating.

Common spots for flashing leaks include:

  • Around the chimney
  • At vent boots or flanges
  • Where a wall meets a roof slope

You’ll likely need a professional to come fix the flashing. Since incorrect flashing technique or material may be the source of the issue, a DIY fix may just compound the problem.

2. Your gutters need some love.

Gutters aren’t just there to catch piles of dead leaves, though it may seem that’s what they spend most of their time on. Gutters catch dirty runoff from your roof and funnel it away from your windows, siding, foundation, and doorways. However, because of all that running water, you may have huge leaks when the gutters decide to throw in the towel.

Backed-up gutters can buckle under the weight of too much water, or they can let water cascade over the sides and down your siding. Sometimes the water can even get under your eaves and let water flow under your roof. Another way gutters can cause roof leaks is by catching ice when an ice dam forms, holding water against the roof and letting it seep through.

To prevent ice damming in winter, make sure your attic is not only well-ventilated but also wellinsulated. The more warm air gets through to your attic, the warmer your roof gets and the more melted snow can build up in liquid form behind a dam.

3. Your chimney needs to be inspected.

Your chimney, whether you use it or not, can affect your roof in a number of ways. For example, its existence causes a roof penetration, similar to bathroom and kitchen vents. This means that water can get through here if the flashing isn’t up to the task. Chimney flashing can leak if it’s damaged, incorrectly installed, or old and worn out.

In some cases, the chimney itself can leak. For example, water can get in through cracked mortar and then make its way down into your home’s interior.

4. You need to vent.

Sometimes, the leak in your home is actually coming from inside your roof. This type of moisture problem is caused by humidity from the air gathering on your roof’s underside in droplets of condensation.

Many roofs have small amounts of condensation, which can cause mildew or damage the insulation. But in extreme cases, the condensed water can drip down, soak through the insulation, and show up on your ceilings as water damage. This may be what’s happening to you if you see rusty nails in your roof deck or the insulation is compressed in points beneath the nails.

Whether your condensation problem is large or small, it often points to inefficient ventilation. Attic ventilation problems come in many flavors – for example, the blocked-by-insulation flavor. If too much insulation was added without thought for the airflow through the soffit vents, your roof deck may not be getting the air it needs.

Attic vents can also be blocked by bird nests and other pests or by dust and cobwebs. And if the system has been altered with a retrofitted ridge vent or turbine vent, the airflow pattern may be disrupted. If you suspect any of these problems, call your trusted roofing contractor to help you find and repair your vent issues.

These are just four roof problems that could be causing your leak. Whether you manage to identify the cause on your own or need a professional diagnosis as well as a professional roof leak repair, Landmark Roofing is here for you. We offer installation, repair, and inspections. Call Landmark Roofing today for help with your roof leak.

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